Gnu make manual phony pony
GNU make - How to Use Variables. The best explanation is the GNU make manual itself: 4.6 Phony Targets section. PHONY is one of make s Special Built-in Target Names There are other targets that you may be interested in, so it s worth skimming through these references. When the Make utility encounters a phony target, it will run the associated command automatically, without performing any dependency checks. The best explanation is the GNU make manual itself: 4.6 Phony Targets section.PHONY is one of make s Special Built-in Target Names. GNU Make: an automation tool for compiling and building applications. GNU Binutils: a suite of binary utility The "make" utility automates the mundane aspects of building executable from source code A target that does not represent a file is called a phony target. For example, the "clean" in the above adicione cada alvo falso como um pre-requisito de .PHONY imediatamente antes da declaracao de destino, em vez de listar todos os destinos falsos em um unico local. $ touch all $ make all #this would be a no-op if all weren't a phoney target hello world. Most material is from File:OReilly - Managing Projects with GNU Make(2004) 3Ed.pdf (MPGM3). File:OReilly - Managing Projects with GNU Make(2004) 3Ed.tar.gz File:OReilly - Managing Projects with GNU Make(2004) 3Ed make rules.txt Erratta. GNU make Manual.
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